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Hello, World!

One of the very powerful feature of OpenCascade is the ability to perform Boolean Operations. With them, you can simply add or subtract different shapes. Let's try that.

Install OpenCascade.js

In your JavaScript project, first install OpenCascade.js via npm or yarn using the @beta tag.

npm install opencascade.js@beta # or: yarn add opencascade.js@beta

Visualize 3D Models

Next, we need a simple of way of visualizing the 3D model we're about to create. We will do that using two helper functions:

  • visualizeDoc: Takes a document (of type TDocStd_Document) as a parameter and returns an ObjectURL to a GLB via the following steps

    1. Triangulate the document
    2. Export it as a GLB file to the virtual file system
    3. Read that GLB file and convert it into an ObjectURL
    4. Pass the ObjectURL to the model-viewer web component, which takes care of rendering
  • visualizeShapes: Takes one or more shapes (of type TopoDS_Shape) as a parameter, then creates a document and adds all given shapes to it. Then it calls visualizeDoc and returns the resulting ObjectURL.


All examples in this documentation use these two functions to visualize the results.

// Takes a TDocStd_Document, creates a GLB file from it and returns a ObjectURL
export function visualizeDoc(oc, doc) {
// Export a GLB file (this will also perform the meshing)
const cafWriter = new oc.RWGltf_CafWriter(new oc.TCollection_AsciiString_2("./file.glb"), true);
cafWriter.Perform_2(new oc.Handle_TDocStd_Document_2(doc), new oc.TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfStringString_1(), new oc.Message_ProgressRange_1());

// Read the GLB file from the virtual file system
const glbFile = oc.FS.readFile("./file.glb", { encoding: "binary" });
return URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([glbFile.buffer], { type: "model/gltf-binary" }));

// Takes TopoDS_Shape, add to document, create GLB file from it and returns a ObjectURL
export function visualizeShapes(oc, shapes_) {
const shapes = Array.isArray(shapes_) ? shapes_ : [shapes_];

// Create a document add our shapes
const doc = new oc.TDocStd_Document(new oc.TCollection_ExtendedString_1());
const shapeTool = oc.XCAFDoc_DocumentTool.ShapeTool(doc.Main()).get();
for (const s of shapes) {
shapeTool.SetShape(shapeTool.NewShape(), s);
// Tell OpenCascade that we want our shape to get meshed
new oc.BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh_2(s, 0.1, false, 0.1, false);

// Return our visualized document
return visualizeDoc(oc, doc);

We can now simply initialize OpenCascade.js, create our model and visualize it like this:

import "@google/model-viewer";
import { visualizeShapes } from "./visualize.js";
import initOpenCascade from "opencascade.js";

// ...

const oc = await initOpenCascade();
const modelUrl = visualizeShapes(oc, myShape);

// ...

export default function App() {
return (
// Now we can simply use the URL with model-viewer.
<model-viewer src={modelUrl} camera-controls enable-pan />
The example code above shows a syntax that you would use with React

The exact syntax depends on your framework and setup. OpenCascade.js is framework-independent.

Our First Model

We can now simply visualize our models. Let's subtract a sphere from a box.

const { sphereSize } = params;
const box = new oc.BRepPrimAPI_MakeBox_2(1, 1, 1);
const sphere = new oc.BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere_5(new oc.gp_Pnt_3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), sphereSize);
const cut = new oc.BRepAlgoAPI_Cut_3(box.Shape(), sphere.Shape(), new oc.Message_ProgressRange_1());
cut.Build(new oc.Message_ProgressRange_1());
sphereSize: 0.65

Configure Your Bundler

Before you can run this code, you likely need to configure your bundler.

If you want to learn more, check out our other examples!