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References to Built-In Data Types

While C++ has general support for reference types, JavaScript does not. In JavaScript, when calling a function with arguments, all arguments are passed as (shallow) copies.

OpenCascade utilizes these reference types quite often as return values, like in this function from the class BRepTools, where UMin, UMax, VMin and VMax are all references to a Standard_Real (aka double). When executed, the function mutates the value of those references, thereby "returning" their values.

UVBounds(const TopoDS_Face &F, Standard_Real &UMin, Standard_Real &UMax, Standard_Real &VMin, Standard_Real &VMax)

In order to use methods with reference types via OpenCascade.js, you have to follow the schema below.

const path = [[-50, 0, 0], [50, 0, 0], [50, 100, 0]].map(([x, y, z]) => new this.oc.gp_Pnt_3(x, y, z));
const makePolygon = new this.oc.BRepBuilderAPI_MakePolygon_3(path[0], path[1], path[2], true);
const wire = makePolygon.Wire();
const makeFace = new this.oc.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace_15(wire, false);
const u0 = { current: 0 };
const u1 = { current: 0 };
const v0 = { current: 0 };
const v1 = { current: 0 };
this.oc.BRepTools.UVBounds_1(makeFace.Face(), u0, u1, v0, v1);
console.log({u0, u1, v0, v1});

As a side note: You are free to either pass in a "reference type" or a built-in number. The latter doesn't make much sense in this particular example, but is supported (and might make sense for other use cases):

this.oc.BRepTools.UVBounds_1(makeFace.Face(), 123, 234, 345, 456);